Garbage & Waste Areas
Tired of smelly garbage and waste areas? Then you should read more about our air treatment technology with AirMaid®
that makes the recycling into a pleasant experience, free from unpleasant odors.
Waste & Garbage Areas
Air handling solutions from AirMaid® in waste & garbage areas. Mainly to tenant-owner associations around Sweden and in the rest of Europe & in Asia. The interest in recycling is increasing on a broad front, who does not want to be involved and contribute to a better climate? But with that comes new challenges. The population in larger cities is growing and we are taking more and more care of our food waste. This in turn contributes to the emergence of new unwanted odors. By installing technology from AirMaid® you contribute to making recycling a pleasant experience free from unpleasant odors.
The W-series is specially developed to eliminate unwanted odors in garbage and waste areas. Quick and easy installation with minimal maintenance. With technology from AirMaid®, you get started quickly.
Voice of Customer
"We got rid of the odor problems in a flash. Our members applauded and cheered with joy! All tennat associations should have this solution from AirMaid®. Now the air is so fresh in the garbage room that you can sit down and have coffee there", Bengt points out.
Bengt Haver
Board member Tennat Association Portikgården, Sweden